Thursday, May 28, 2015

Happy Birthday to the Guy Who Once Threw Me Into a Snow Bank for Tossing a Snowball at His Car...

Hey, I had it comin'

Did I mention the car was a Cutless Supreme Convertible?  Oops.

To make it up to my Big Brother,
here are a few of his fave childhood things...

And we're supposed to believe that no one slipped Soupy Sales the answer?  Ok.

I think I know where the dog's going with this...

The strange part?  No one seems to know who this guy is.  But he obviously wants to say:

Happy Cruisin'...

Here's what happens on a cruise ship during the perfect storm.  And no George Clooney in sight!     I'd also like to borrow the Guardian Angel of the guy who got out of the ship storage area 'just in time' in this video?  Whew!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Adorable Retired Exec Gets Loving 'Shout Out' on Blog No One Reads! Agrees "It's the thought that counts..."

Mr. M. also possesses the uncanny ability to "keep the natives from getting restless" while fending off the jealous ghost of Boots Randolph!!   Cheers Friend!!

But alas, the love of wine has it's price. 
Poor Orson Welles actually went from "Citizen Kane" to this...

And for the youngsters, here's what Orson normally sounded like...