Monday, August 8, 2016

Oh Britney Spears, It Seems Like Just Yesterday You Were Stealing From Vegas Bingo Parlor Buffet Tables. Oh Wait, That WAS Yesterday!

Here's a sweet & innocent Britney Spears making her TV debut on Star Search,
only to be beaten by that dreaded Marty Thomas.  Who's Marty Thomas?  Exactly.

Here's a stoned & drunk Britney Spears confirming one thing:
She's just as boring wasted as she is sober.  Yawn.  

Damn you, Kevin Federline. 
You and your skanky charms have broken Britney's heart & her 'no carbs' diet.

What?  There was a time when Kevin Federline
got into the ring with John Cena & nobody told me? 
Call it a hunch but I'm starting to think
there might be some 'fakery' happening in that WWE world.  
I'm gonna see what Santa has to say about all of this.

Update:  Remember the crazy 'leave Britney alone' guy? 
Well, word on the street is that he's a total freak.  Gee, ya think? 

Oops, Britney did it again & apparently she's not that innocent. 
She did however have a birthday recently, so is giving her a shout out.  Sorta.

Hey you.  Nothin' to see here.  Keep movin'...