Friday, July 1, 2016

Angry Canadians Seek Revenge on Avril Levigne: Refuse to Say 'Excuse Me.'

Levigne angered Canadians during a recent
visit to Toronto by smoking less than 1000 feet from
a daycare centre and refusing to share the CB radio.

Embarrassed by Avril Levigne's latest public outburst, the easy-going citizens of Canada have finally said "hey, enough already, eh?!?" Levigne's history of spitting on photographers and giving fans the finger has finally taken a toll on her popularity in The Great White North.

In a united front, Canadians have decided to denounce Levigne and should they ever run into her at Tim Hortons, they will refuse to say "excuse me." A local Ontario resident was quoted as saying "I know that not saying excuse me might sound a bit extreme but gosh darn it, we're really irked! Avril Lavigne is rude, spoiled and obnoxious. Plus she refuses to spell the word neighbor with a "u" in it. That's not what we Canadians are aboot, eh?!"

Lavigne could not be reached for comment, however she did send a letter from her dentist's nephew's brother-in-law. Yes, we were shocked too. Who knew Avril Lavigne had a dentist?